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Perfect Gym system may block email addresses when adding them to user accounts, usually for security reasons. If an email is mistakenly blocked, it can be manually unblocked. This article will guide you through the process of unblocking emails to to ensure proper account setup and data management.

  • This guide will provide the steps of unblocking emails from PerfectGym if they have been blocked from the email server.
  • This article will be helpful for PG Champion, Club Manager and Front Desk team

In selected markets, this is known as unlocking emails.

Before you start 

To gain access to unblock emails, you will need to activate the system permission.  This is located in PGM->Clubs->Employee Permissions.

  • Administrator
    • Power tools

This function is only available if you are using the standard email server from PerfectGym.


To access support tools, go to the settings area of PGM and select Support Tools.

support tools

On the categories on the left, press Action. Scroll down to you see the area Emails.

support tools

In the email text area, enter in the list of emails you wish to unblock.

Press Unlock emails. 

support tools


If adding multiple email addressed to be unblocked, the emails will need to be separated using one of the following methods:

Type Example
semicolon  ; email1@blockedemail.com;email2@blockedemail.com;email3@blockedemail.com
dot  . Its not recommended to use dot as a separator for emails.
space  ' ' email1@blockedemail.com email2@blockedemail.com email3@blockedemail.com
tab  '    ' email1@blockedemail.com    email2@blockedemail.com    email3@blockedemail.com
Enter '↵'




If you are getting a list of emails from a spreadsheet, directly copy the email addresses into the text box.

Why do emails get blocked

Emails may get blocked for a number of reasons, what is listed here are the most common examples of emails getting blocked.

Sending content that looks like spam

This could include the following:

  • Weird or scam-like subject lines.
  • Written all in caps.
  • Frequent or random capitalization.
  • Excessive punctuation, especially "$" and "!".
  • Strange spacing or excessive amounts of blank space.
  • Poor spelling.
  • Frequent variations in text colour and size.
Blocks by an ISP

Internet service providers (ISPs) consider every spam complaint to be an official complaint from their customers. This means that if enough recipients mark your email as spam, the ISP may respond by blocking future emails from you.  This might be also due to repeatedly sending to invalid email addresses.

Note: There may be other reasons why an email will get blocked.

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