To raise the case properly, please select the severity level of your case according to the table below, and follow the instructions on how to get support in Perfect Gym.
Severity levels
According to the Terms of Service, we distinguish the following severity levels:
Condition of the System which prevents using or accessing all of its Core Applications / Total loss of at least one of System’s Core Applications:
If Perfect Gym is able to present a workaround to the Customer after critical incident has been discovered, using which it is possible to perform the Core Business functionalities, the Severity Level will be downgraded to Significant. |
Failures that significantly hinder, but do not prevent the Customer from using the most important functionalities of the System and affect most of users, i.e.:
Failures and defects that restrict the use of some of the System’s functionalities, not preventing sales of products and services, or affecting only a limited group of users, or if there is a reasonable workaround. |
Defects that do not interfere with the functioning of the System and individual functionalities or interfere with them to a small extent. |
If you wish to ask a question or ask for help not related to system failure, please select Medium severity level. We will reply as soon as possible.