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Perfect Gym offers a Business Intelligence Module subscription. ETL Connector is an add-on to the BI module. With this functionality you can freely customize your reports. Data can be extracted to your very own data warehouse which provides great flexibility for creating reports and joining data from different sources.

  • This article explores the data scope available through ETL Connector
  • This article is dedicated to PG Champions and Data Analysts who would like to understand BI capabilities

Before you start 

Become familiar with the Business Guide to PG BI Module articles

BI Module Data Scope

Historical Data Scope

Data Category

Data Subcategory

Table name 






class definition

specific class occurrence





bookings for classes 

bookings for PT




Club Budgetes & Targets from Scorecard






Club definitions

Club zones list









Payment plans dictionary

Payment plans add-ons dictionary

Contracts signed

Contract add-ons signed

history of membership status changes


Contract Freezes


Contract freezes








DimCustomerBlock -

Details of all customers

membership cards

customer interactions / notes

history of customers club transfers

Users balance history

History o blocks set on member






visits in clubs

scans on access control devices

Access Control Scans


Members Agreements



Agreements dictionary

Customer agreements signed

Debt Collection Debt Collection DimDebtCollectionStatus Debt collection statuses dictionary




Employees dictionary











Payment types dictionary


Payment transactions for both contracts and products

Cashless sale

vat rates dictionary

All Transaction done on POS

All Customer Transactions

Type of Customer Transactions

Sales Warehouse




warehouse documents

warehouse state

warehouse movements




e-payment transactions CC/DD, ad-hoc




transaction receipts





Product dictionary

Product discounts dictionary

Payment Plans

Payment Plan





payment plan dictionary

payment plan types dictionary

Payment plans addons

access rules dictionary 








Invoices list

Entries to Accounting Books

List of Accounting Documents

Accounting Transactions

Accounting Account




Tax for Customer Transaction

Tax for Pos Transactions

Predictive Data Scope

Data Category Table name Description



Bookings Predictions

Classes Recommendations



Sales Prediction



Visits Prediction


Detailed list of tables and columns

Schema Table Column Description Datatype
DWH DictDebtors DebtorKey   int
DWH DictDebtors CustomerKey   int
DWH DictDebtors SettelmentDate   datetime
DWH DictDebtors PayedOnTime   int
DWH DictDebtors PayedNotOnTime   int
DWH DictDebtors PayedNotAll   int
DWH DictDebtors NotPayed   int
DWH DictDebtors MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DictDebtors MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DictDebtors MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DictDebtors ContractKey   int
DWH DictDebtors AmountToSettle   decimal
DWH DictHolidays Date   nvarchar
DWH DictHolidays Date   sysname
DWH DictHolidays WorkingDay   float
DWH DictHolidays WeekendDay   float
DWH DictHolidays PublicHoliday   float
DWH DictHolidays Country   nvarchar
DWH DictHolidays Country   sysname
DWH DictProduct ProductDictId   int
DWH DictProduct ProductId   nvarchar
DWH DictProduct ProductId   sysname
DWH DictProduct ProductName   nvarchar
DWH DictProduct ProductName   sysname
DWH DictProduct ProductDescription   nvarchar
DWH DictProduct ProductDescription   sysname
DWH DictProduct ProductCategory   nvarchar
DWH DictProduct ProductCategory   sysname
DWH DictProduct ProductSubcategory   nvarchar
DWH DictProduct ProductSubcategory   sysname
DWH DictSourceVersion SrcTableName   nvarchar
DWH DictSourceVersion SrcTableName   sysname
DWH DictSourceVersion DstTableName   nvarchar
DWH DictSourceVersion DstTableName   sysname
DWH DictSourceVersion SourceMaxVersion   bigint
DWH DictSourceVersion SourceMaxId   bigint
DWH DictSourceVersion NextMaxVersion   bigint
DWH DictSourceVersion NextMaxId   bigint
DWH DimAccessControl AccessControlKey   int
DWH DimAccessControl CustomerKey   int
DWH DimAccessControl CardNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl CardNumber   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl Result   varchar
DWH DimAccessControl DenyReason   int
DWH DimAccessControl Discriminator   varchar
DWH DimAccessControl AnonymousReason   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl AnonymousReason   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl MembershipStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl MembershipStatus   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl EmployeeName   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl EmployeeName   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl RelatedUser   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl RelatedUser   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl RelatedEmployee   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl RelatedEmployee   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl FingerprintHash   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl FingerprintHash   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl Date1   date
DWH DimAccessControl CardNumber1   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl CardNumber1   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl CardFingerprint1   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl CardFingerprint1   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl CardColor1   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl CardColor1   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl DefaultCardNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl DefaultCardNumber   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl Date2   date
DWH DimAccessControl CardNumber2   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl CardNumber2   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl CardColor2   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl CardColor2   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl CardFingerprint2   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessControl CardFingerprint2   sysname
DWH DimAccessControl MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimAccessControl MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimAccessControl MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimAccessRule AccessRuleKey   int
DWH DimAccessRule AccessRuleId   bigint
DWH DimAccessRule Name   nvarchar
DWH DimAccessRule Name   sysname
DWH DimAccessRule IsActive   bit
DWH DimAccessRule IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimAccessRule MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimAccessRule MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimAccessRule MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimAccountingAccount AccountingAccountKey   int
DWH DimAccountingAccount AccountingAccountId   bigint
DWH DimAccountingAccount AccountingNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimAccountingAccount AccountingNumber   sysname
DWH DimAccountingAccount Name   nvarchar
DWH DimAccountingAccount Name   sysname
DWH DimAccountingAccount IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimAccountingAccount LedgerKey   int
DWH DimAccountingAccount MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimAccountingAccount MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimAccountingAccount MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimAccountingPeriod AccountingPeriodKey   int
DWH DimAccountingPeriod AccountingPeriodId   bigint
DWH DimAccountingPeriod Year   int
DWH DimAccountingPeriod Month   int
DWH DimAccountingPeriod Day   int
DWH DimAccountingPeriod Type   nvarchar
DWH DimAccountingPeriod Type   sysname
DWH DimAccountingPeriod Status   nvarchar
DWH DimAccountingPeriod Status   sysname
DWH DimAccountingPeriod PeriodStartDate   datetime2
DWH DimAccountingPeriod PeriodEndDate   datetime2
DWH DimAccountingPeriod MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimAccountingPeriod MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimAccountingPeriod MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimBudget BudgetKey   int
DWH DimBudget BudgetId   bigint
DWH DimBudget BudgetName   nvarchar
DWH DimBudget BudgetName   sysname
DWH DimBudget BudgetDescription   nvarchar
DWH DimBudget BudgetDescription   sysname
DWH DimBudget MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimBudget MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimBudget MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimClub ClubKey   int
DWH DimClub ClubId   bigint
DWH DimClub ClubNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimClub ClubNumber   sysname
DWH DimClub Symbol   nvarchar
DWH DimClub Symbol   sysname
DWH DimClub ClubName   nvarchar
DWH DimClub ClubName   sysname
DWH DimClub ShortName   nvarchar
DWH DimClub ShortName   sysname
DWH DimClub Street   nvarchar
DWH DimClub Street   sysname
DWH DimClub PostalCode   nvarchar
DWH DimClub PostalCode   sysname
DWH DimClub CityName   nvarchar
DWH DimClub CityName   sysname
DWH DimClub CountryName   nvarchar
DWH DimClub CountryName   sysname
DWH DimClub ClubTypeName   nvarchar
DWH DimClub ClubTypeName   sysname
DWH DimClub Longitude   numeric
DWH DimClub Latitude   numeric
DWH DimClub ContractClub   nvarchar
DWH DimClub ContractClub   sysname
DWH DimClub IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimClub Region   nvarchar
DWH DimClub Region   sysname
DWH DimClub RegionDescription   nvarchar
DWH DimClub RegionDescription   sysname
DWH DimClub CorporateRegion   nvarchar
DWH DimClub CorporateRegion   sysname
DWH DimClub CorporateRegionDescription   nvarchar
DWH DimClub CorporateRegionDescription   sysname
DWH DimClub MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimClub MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimClub MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneKey   int
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneId   bigint
DWH DimClubZone ClubKey   int
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneName   nvarchar
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneName   sysname
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneParentName   nvarchar
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneParentName   sysname
DWH DimClubZone Description   nvarchar
DWH DimClubZone Description   sysname
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneTypeName   nvarchar
DWH DimClubZone ClubZoneTypeName   sysname
DWH DimClubZone CreatedByEmpId   bigint
DWH DimClubZone ModifiedByEmpId   bigint
DWH DimClubZone SortOrder   int
DWH DimClubZone ZoneCapacity   int
DWH DimClubZone IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimClubZone MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimClubZone MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimClubZone MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimContract ContractKey   int
DWH DimContract PaymentPlanKey   int
DWH DimContract AccessRuleKey   int
DWH DimContract CustomerKey   int
DWH DimContract ContractId   bigint
DWH DimContract ClubKey   int
DWH DimContract PaymentPlanId   bigint
DWH DimContract Status   nvarchar
DWH DimContract Status   sysname
DWH DimContract IsActive   bit
DWH DimContract IsAdditionalContract   bit
DWH DimContract Name   nvarchar
DWH DimContract Name   sysname
DWH DimContract SignUpDate   datetime
DWH DimContract StartDate   datetime
DWH DimContract IsCanceled   bit
DWH DimContract CancelDate   datetime
DWH DimContract CancelComment   nvarchar
DWH DimContract CancelComment   sysname
DWH DimContract CancelReason   nvarchar
DWH DimContract CancelReason   sysname
DWH DimContract CancellationDeliveryMethod   nvarchar
DWH DimContract CancellationDeliveryMethod   sysname
DWH DimContract RealCancelDate   datetime
DWH DimContract CancelledByEmployeeId   bigint
DWH DimContract MinContractTime   datetime
DWH DimContract EndDate   datetime
DWH DimContract ContractCreatedDate   datetime
DWH DimContract CreatedByEmpId   bigint
DWH DimContract Prorata   bit
DWH DimContract ContractDiscountName   nvarchar
DWH DimContract ContractDiscountName   sysname
DWH DimContract AdminFee   numeric
DWH DimContract JoiningFee   numeric
DWH DimContract MembershipFee   numeric
DWH DimContract MembershipFeeNetto   numeric
DWH DimContract AgreementValueBrutto   numeric
DWH DimContract AgreementValueNetto   numeric
DWH DimContract IsRenewed   int
DWH DimContract HasRenewal   int
DWH DimContract EndedFlag   varchar
DWH DimContract HasBaseContract   int
DWH DimContract BaseContractSignUpDate   datetime
DWH DimContract BaseContractStartDate   datetime
DWH DimContract RequiredDeposit   numeric
DWH DimContract CollectedDeposit   numeric
DWH DimContract AutomaticRenew   bit
DWH DimContract RecurringPayMonthDay   int
DWH DimContract CessionFrom   nvarchar
DWH DimContract CessionFrom   sysname
DWH DimContract CessionTo   nvarchar
DWH DimContract CessionTo   sysname
DWH DimContract Upgrade   varchar
DWH DimContract RelatedContractFlag   varchar
DWH DimContract SignUpSource   nvarchar
DWH DimContract SignUpSource   sysname
DWH DimContract BaseContractSignUpSource   nvarchar
DWH DimContract BaseContractSignUpSource   sysname
DWH DimContract IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimContract MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimContract MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimContract MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimContract ExternalContractId   nvarchar
DWH DimContract ExternalContractId   sysname
DWH DimContractAddOn ContractAddOnKey   int
DWH DimContractAddOn ContractAddOnId   bigint
DWH DimContractAddOn ContractKey   int
DWH DimContractAddOn MembershipAddOnKey   int
DWH DimContractAddOn SignedDate   datetime
DWH DimContractAddOn StartDate   datetime
DWH DimContractAddOn EndDate   datetime
DWH DimContractAddOn IsActive   bit
DWH DimContractAddOn IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimContractAddOn MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimContractAddOn MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimContractAddOn MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimContractFreeze ContractFreezeKey   int
DWH DimContractFreeze ContractFreezeId   bigint
DWH DimContractFreeze ContractKey   int
DWH DimContractFreeze StartDate   datetime
DWH DimContractFreeze EndDate   datetime
DWH DimContractFreeze IsActive   bit
DWH DimContractFreeze IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimContractFreeze FreezeReason   nvarchar
DWH DimContractFreeze FreezeReason   sysname
DWH DimContractFreeze MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimContractFreeze MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimContractFreeze MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCrmInteraction CrmInteractionKey   int
DWH DimCrmInteraction InteractionId   bigint
DWH DimCrmInteraction Discriminator   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction Discriminator   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction CustomerKey   int
DWH DimCrmInteraction AuthorKey   int
DWH DimCrmInteraction Subject   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction Subject   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction Note   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction Note   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction Status   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction Status   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction Date   datetime2
DWH DimCrmInteraction TimeFrom   datetime2
DWH DimCrmInteraction TimeTo   datetime2
DWH DimCrmInteraction CompletionDate   datetime2
DWH DimCrmInteraction EventType   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction EventType   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction EventSubType   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction EventSubType   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction ReminderTime   datetime2
DWH DimCrmInteraction Priority   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction Priority   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH DimCrmInteraction ModifiedTime   datetime2
DWH DimCrmInteraction IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimCrmInteraction ClubKey   int
DWH DimCrmInteraction Outcome   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction Outcome   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction OutcomeNote   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction OutcomeNote   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction PrevInteractionId   bigint
DWH DimCrmInteraction NextInteractionId   bigint
DWH DimCrmInteraction Confirmed   bit
DWH DimCrmInteraction RejectionReasonText   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmInteraction RejectionReasonText   sysname
DWH DimCrmInteraction UserPresent   bit
DWH DimCrmInteraction MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCrmInteraction MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCrmInteraction MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCrmProfile CrmProfileKey   int
DWH DimCrmProfile CrmProfileId   bigint
DWH DimCrmProfile CustomerKey   int
DWH DimCrmProfile LeadSatus   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmProfile LeadSatus   sysname
DWH DimCrmProfile Rating   nvarchar
DWH DimCrmProfile Rating   sysname
DWH DimCrmProfile CreatedTime   datetime
DWH DimCrmProfile ConversionDate   datetime
DWH DimCrmProfile FirstContractDate   datetime
DWH DimCrmProfile MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCrmProfile MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCrmProfile MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomAttribute CustomAttributeKey   int
DWH DimCustomAttribute CustomAttributeTypeId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttribute Code   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttribute Code   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttribute Name   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttribute Name   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttribute DataType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttribute DataType   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttribute ObjectType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttribute ObjectType   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttribute CategoryCode   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttribute CategoryCode   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttribute DictionaryId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttribute MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttribute MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomAttribute MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem CustomAttributeDictionaryItemKey   int
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem DictionaryItemId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem Code   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem Code   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem Name   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem Name   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem DictionaryId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem DictionaryName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem DictionaryName   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomAttributeDictionaryItem MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue CustomAttributeValueKey   int
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue CustomAttributeValueId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue CustomAttributeKey   int
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue ObjectId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue Value   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue Value   sysname
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomAttributeValue MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomer CustomerKey   int
DWH DimCustomer UserId   bigint
DWH DimCustomer UUserId   bigint
DWH DimCustomer PaymentPlanKey   int
DWH DimCustomer TotalBalance   numeric
DWH DimCustomer PosPrepaidAmount   numeric
DWH DimCustomer PosDebitAmount   numeric
DWH DimCustomer PosBalance   numeric
DWH DimCustomer TodayBalance   numeric
DWH DimCustomer FinancialStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer FinancialStatus   sysname
DWH DimCustomer Balance   numeric
DWH DimCustomer UserNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer UserNumber   sysname
DWH DimCustomer CustName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer CustName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer LastName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer LastName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer FullName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer FullName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PersonalId   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PersonalId   sysname
DWH DimCustomer BirthDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer Age   int
DWH DimCustomer AgeGroup   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer AgeGroup   sysname
DWH DimCustomer Street   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer Street   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PostalCode   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PostalCode   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PhoneNrMobile   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PhoneNrMobile   sysname
DWH DimCustomer Email   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer Email   sysname
DWH DimCustomer BankName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer BankName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer AddressAddLine   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer AddressAddLine   sysname
DWH DimCustomer BankAccount   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer BankAccount   sysname
DWH DimCustomer IsCompany   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsActive   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsAccepted   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsConverted   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsSimple   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsRegisteredFromInternet   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsEmployee   int
DWH DimCustomer IsPending   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsVisible   bit
DWH DimCustomer UserCompanyName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer UserCompanyName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer Gender   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer Gender   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PaymentPrimarySource   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PaymentPrimarySource   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PaymentMethod   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PaymentMethod   sysname
DWH DimCustomer CreditCardDebitCredit   varchar
DWH DimCustomer LastProviderMsg   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer LastProviderMsg   sysname
DWH DimCustomer SubstitutePayer   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer SubstitutePayer   sysname
DWH DimCustomer CreditCard   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer CreditCard   sysname
DWH DimCustomer CardNumberPublic   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer CardNumberPublic   sysname
DWH DimCustomer CurrContractId   bigint
DWH DimCustomer HistoricalContractBalance   numeric
DWH DimCustomer LastPaymentPlanName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer LastPaymentPlanName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer ClubSymbol   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer ClubSymbol   sysname
DWH DimCustomer HomeClubKey   int
DWH DimCustomer HomeClubName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer HomeClubName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer FirstHomeClubName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer FirstHomeClubName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer IsHomeClubDifferent   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer IsHomeClubDifferent   sysname
DWH DimCustomer CorpoLogin   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer CorpoLogin   sysname
DWH DimCustomer IsForeigner   bit
DWH DimCustomer IsNew   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer IsNew   sysname
DWH DimCustomer IsPhoto   int
DWH DimCustomer UserSource   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer UserSource   sysname
DWH DimCustomer DocumentNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer DocumentNumber   sysname
DWH DimCustomer City   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer City   sysname
DWH DimCustomer Country   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer Country   sysname
DWH DimCustomer StreetLat   numeric
DWH DimCustomer StreetLon   numeric
DWH DimCustomer RecommendedbyUserName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer RecommendedbyUserName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer Consultant   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer Consultant   sysname
DWH DimCustomer ConsultantPersonalId   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer ConsultantPersonalId   sysname
DWH DimCustomer ConsultantEmploymentType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer ConsultantEmploymentType   sysname
DWH DimCustomer ConsultantCreatedTime   datetime2
DWH DimCustomer ConsultantPosition   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer ConsultantPosition   sysname
DWH DimCustomer MembershipStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer MembershipStatus   sysname
DWH DimCustomer MembershipType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer MembershipType   sysname
DWH DimCustomer FirstDebtDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer FirstOnlinePayment   datetime
DWH DimCustomer FirstPayDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer IntervalsOnDebt   int
DWH DimCustomer UserVoucherName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer UserVoucherName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer VoucherValidFromDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer VoucherValidToDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer ActivationDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer LastVisit   datetime
DWH DimCustomer ChurnPredictionDate   date
DWH DimCustomer ChurnIndex   numeric
DWH DimCustomer RetentionIndex   float
DWH DimCustomer DaysFromContractStartDate   int
DWH DimCustomer HistoryDurationFromFirstVisit   int
DWH DimCustomer HistoryDurationFromFirstContract   int
DWH DimCustomer DaysFromLastVisit   int
DWH DimCustomer AvgVisits   int
DWH DimCustomer FaF   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer FaF   sysname
DWH DimCustomer UserMembershipStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer UserMembershipStatus   sysname
DWH DimCustomer FirstStartDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer DaysOnDebt   int
DWH DimCustomer DaysOnDebt_Report   int
DWH DimCustomer VPaidBalance   numeric
DWH DimCustomer DecisionDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer DecisionBy   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer DecisionBy   sysname
DWH DimCustomer AcceptanceStatus   varchar
DWH DimCustomer RejectedReason   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer RejectedReason   sysname
DWH DimCustomer StartPackages   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer StartPackages   sysname
DWH DimCustomer CreatedDate   date
DWH DimCustomer MembershipFeeBrutto   numeric
DWH DimCustomer MembershipFeeNetto   numeric
DWH DimCustomer VisitsInClubInMonthPeriod   int
DWH DimCustomer VirtualAccountNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer VirtualAccountNumber   sysname
DWH DimCustomer Tags   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer Tags   sysname
DWH DimCustomer UserGroups   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer UserGroups   sysname
DWH DimCustomer MarketingActionCode   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer MarketingActionCode   sysname
DWH DimCustomer MarketingActionName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer MarketingActionName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer IsPaidByDifferentPerson   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer IsPaidByDifferentPerson   sysname
DWH DimCustomer VindicationProfile   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer VindicationProfile   sysname
DWH DimCustomer VindicationProcessLock   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer VindicationProcessLock   sysname
DWH DimCustomer LastVindicationProcessLockDate   date
DWH DimCustomer VindicationCommunicationDate   date
DWH DimCustomer VindicationCommunicationType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer VindicationCommunicationType   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PayerName   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PayerName   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PayerAddress   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PayerAddress   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PayerPhone   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PayerPhone   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PayerEmail   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PayerEmail   sysname
DWH DimCustomer PayerPersonalId   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer PayerPersonalId   sysname
DWH DimCustomer EmployeeId   bigint
DWH DimCustomer IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimCustomer TransferedFromUser   bigint
DWH DimCustomer UserTransferId   bigint
DWH DimCustomer MembershipPortalRegistartionDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer ParentUserId   bigint
DWH DimCustomer CurrentDebtCollectionsStatusId   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer CurrentDebtCollectionsStatusId   sysname
DWH DimCustomer OldDebtCollectionsStatusId   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer OldDebtCollectionsStatusId   sysname
DWH DimCustomer UserType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer UserType   sysname
DWH DimCustomer DeleteDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomer MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomer MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomer ExcludeFromEPayment   bit
DWH DimCustomer ExcludeFromEPaymentUntilDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomer ExternalUserID   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomer ExternalUserID   sysname
DWH DimCustomerAgreement CustomerAgreementKey   int
DWH DimCustomerAgreement UserAgreementId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerAgreement Name   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerAgreement Name   sysname
DWH DimCustomerAgreement Description   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerAgreement Description   sysname
DWH DimCustomerAgreement ShortDescription   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerAgreement ShortDescription   sysname
DWH DimCustomerAgreement Code   varchar
DWH DimCustomerAgreement IsActive   bit
DWH DimCustomerAgreement IsRequired   bit
DWH DimCustomerAgreement FromDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomerAgreement ToDate   datetime
DWH DimCustomerAgreement Status   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerAgreement Status   sysname
DWH DimCustomerAgreement MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerAgreement MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomerAgreement MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue CustomerAgreementValueKey   int
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue User_ThreeStatesUserAgreementId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue CustomerAgreementKey   int
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue CustomerKey   int
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue HasAgreement   bit
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue CreatedTime   datetime
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue ModifiedTime   datetime
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue VersionNumber   int
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomerAgreementValue MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomerBlock CustomerBlockKey   int
DWH DimCustomerBlock UserBlockId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerBlock CustomerKey   int
DWH DimCustomerBlock UserBlockTypeId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerBlock StartDate   datetime2
DWH DimCustomerBlock EndDate   datetime2
DWH DimCustomerBlock StartBlockReason   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerBlock StartBlockReason   sysname
DWH DimCustomerBlock EndBlockReason   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerBlock EndBlockReason   sysname
DWH DimCustomerBlock UserBlockType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerBlock UserBlockType   sysname
DWH DimCustomerBlock UserUnblockType   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerBlock UserUnblockType   sysname
DWH DimCustomerBlock IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimCustomerBlock MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerBlock MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomerBlock MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomerCard CustomerCardKey   int
DWH DimCustomerCard CustomerCardId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerCard CardNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerCard CardNumber   sysname
DWH DimCustomerCard CustomerKey   int
DWH DimCustomerCard CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH DimCustomerCard DeletedTime   datetime2
DWH DimCustomerCard IsAssigned   bit
DWH DimCustomerCard Reason   nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerCard Reason   sysname
DWH DimCustomerCard MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimCustomerCard MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimCustomerCard MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType CustomerTransactionTypeKey This is PK of table bigint
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType CustomerTransactionTypeName Name of Customer Transaction Type nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType CustomerTransactionTypeName Name of Customer Transaction Type sysname
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType CustomerTransactionTypeCode Code nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType CustomerTransactionTypeCode Code sysname
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType IsVat Id type is Vat related bit
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType IsDebitSide If type is debit bit
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType AccountingCode Accounting Code nvarchar
DWH DimCustomerTransactionType AccountingCode Accounting Code sysname
DWH DimDate DateKey   int
DWH DimDate Date   date
DWH DimDate Day   tinyint
DWH DimDate DaySuffix   char
DWH DimDate Weekday   tinyint
DWH DimDate WeekDayName   varchar
DWH DimDate IsWeekend   bit
DWH DimDate IsHoliday   bit
DWH DimDate HolidayText   varchar
DWH DimDate DOWInMonth   tinyint
DWH DimDate DayOfYear   smallint
DWH DimDate WeekOfMonth   tinyint
DWH DimDate WeekOfYear   tinyint
DWH DimDate ISOWeekOfYear   tinyint
DWH DimDate Month   tinyint
DWH DimDate MonthName   varchar
DWH DimDate Quarter   tinyint
DWH DimDate QuarterName   varchar
DWH DimDate Year   int
DWH DimDate MMYYYY   char
DWH DimDate MonthYear   char
DWH DimDate FirstDayOfMonth   date
DWH DimDate LastDayOfMonth   date
DWH DimDate FirstDayOfQuarter   date
DWH DimDate LastDayOfQuarter   date
DWH DimDate FirstDayOfYear   date
DWH DimDate LastDayOfYear   date
DWH DimDate FirstDayOfNextMonth   date
DWH DimDate FirstDayOfNextYear   date
DWH DimDate MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimDate MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimDate MetadDateInsterted   datetime
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus DebtCollectionStatusKey   int
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus DebtCollectionStatusId   bigint
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus Symbol   nvarchar
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus Symbol   sysname
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus Name   nvarchar
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus Name   sysname
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimDebtCollectionStatus MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimDiscount DiscountKey   int
DWH DimDiscount DiscountEntryId   bigint
DWH DimDiscount StartDate   datetime
DWH DimDiscount EndDate   datetime
DWH DimDiscount Name   nvarchar
DWH DimDiscount Name   sysname
DWH DimDiscount Description   nvarchar
DWH DimDiscount Description   sysname
DWH DimDiscount DiscountType   nvarchar
DWH DimDiscount DiscountType   sysname
DWH DimDiscount Value   numeric
DWH DimDiscount ValueTo   numeric
DWH DimDiscount IsGlobalDiscount   bit
DWH DimDiscount CreatedByEmpId   bigint
DWH DimDiscount PercentageDiscount   decimal
DWH DimDiscount IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimDiscount MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimDiscount MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimDiscount MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeKey   int
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeId   bigint
DWH DimEmployee IsActive   bit
DWH DimEmployee Description   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee Description   sysname
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeName   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeName   sysname
DWH DimEmployee LastName   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee LastName   sysname
DWH DimEmployee FullName   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee FullName   sysname
DWH DimEmployee BirthDate   datetime
DWH DimEmployee City   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee City   sysname
DWH DimEmployee Street   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee Street   sysname
DWH DimEmployee PostalCode   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee PostalCode   sysname
DWH DimEmployee Sex   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee Sex   sysname
DWH DimEmployee PhoneNr   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee PhoneNr   sysname
DWH DimEmployee Email   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee Email   sysname
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeRole   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeRole   sysname
DWH DimEmployee EmployeePosition   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee EmployeePosition   sysname
DWH DimEmployee Identifier   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee Identifier   sysname
DWH DimEmployee EmploymentDate   datetime
DWH DimEmployee IsProductOwner   bit
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeLogin   nvarchar
DWH DimEmployee EmployeeLogin   sysname
DWH DimEmployee IsSystem   bit
DWH DimEmployee IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimEmployee NoLogin   bit
DWH DimEmployee CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH DimEmployee AddToNewClub   bit
DWH DimEmployee MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimEmployee MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimEmployee MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimEPaymentTx EPaymentTxKey   int
DWH DimEPaymentTx EPaymentTxId   bigint
DWH DimEPaymentTx UserId   bigint
DWH DimEPaymentTx CustomerKey   int
DWH DimEPaymentTx BankName   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx BankName   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx Date   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx Date   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx PaymentDateWithTime   datetime
DWH DimEPaymentTx Amount   numeric
DWH DimEPaymentTx AmountNetto   numeric
DWH DimEPaymentTx Status   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx Status   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx Code   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx Code   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderName   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderName   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderTxId   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderTxId   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderType   varchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx VposRef   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx VposRef   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx CreditCardInfo   varchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx PaymentDataSource   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx PaymentDataSource   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx IsOnline   bit
DWH DimEPaymentTx IsReverse   bit
DWH DimEPaymentTx TransactionAmount   numeric
DWH DimEPaymentTx EtxUserTransactionId   bigint
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderInternalPaymentId   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderInternalPaymentId   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx PaymentSystemType   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx PaymentSystemType   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx EPaymentProviderId   bigint
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderMsg   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProviderMsg   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProcessingStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx ProcessingStatus   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx RegistrationErrors   nvarchar
DWH DimEPaymentTx RegistrationErrors   sysname
DWH DimEPaymentTx CreatedDate   datetime
DWH DimEPaymentTx ModifiedDate   datetime
DWH DimEPaymentTx IsAdhoc   bit
DWH DimEPaymentTx IsCreditCardProvider   bit
DWH DimEPaymentTx IsDirectDebitProvider   bit
DWH DimEPaymentTx IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimEPaymentTx MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimEPaymentTx MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimEPaymentTx MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimEvent EventKey   int
DWH DimEvent TimeTableId   bigint
DWH DimEvent TimeTableCategoryId   bigint
DWH DimEvent EventDescription   nvarchar
DWH DimEvent EventDescription   sysname
DWH DimEvent IsProductRequiredForBooking   bit
DWH DimEvent EventSubtitle   nvarchar
DWH DimEvent EventSubtitle   sysname
DWH DimEvent ContractPayment   nvarchar
DWH DimEvent ContractPayment   sysname
DWH DimEvent Price   numeric
DWH DimEvent MinimumPercentOfPeopleToStartClasses   int
DWH DimEvent MinimumNumberOfPeopleToStartClasses   int
DWH DimEvent AgeFromMonths   int
DWH DimEvent AgeToMonths   int
DWH DimEvent Minage   int
DWH DimEvent MaxAge   int
DWH DimEvent IsAgeLimitValidated   bit
DWH DimEvent EventName   nvarchar
DWH DimEvent EventName   sysname
DWH DimEvent EventCategoryName   nvarchar
DWH DimEvent EventCategoryName   sysname
DWH DimEvent UserLevelName   nvarchar
DWH DimEvent UserLevelName   sysname
DWH DimEvent IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimEvent MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimEvent MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimEvent MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimEventTimetable EventTimetableKey   int
DWH DimEventTimetable TimeTableEventId   bigint
DWH DimEventTimetable EventKey   int
DWH DimEventTimetable ClubKey   int
DWH DimEventTimetable TimeTableId   bigint
DWH DimEventTimetable DateId   bigint
DWH DimEventTimetable EventType   varchar
DWH DimEventTimetable Price   numeric
DWH DimEventTimetable EmployeeId   bigint
DWH DimEventTimetable StartDate   date
DWH DimEventTimetable StartTime   time
DWH DimEventTimetable RealStartTime   time
DWH DimEventTimetable DayOfWeek   nvarchar
DWH DimEventTimetable DayOfWeek   sysname
DWH DimEventTimetable UsersLimit   int
DWH DimEventTimetable UsersCount   int
DWH DimEventTimetable UsersPresent   int
DWH DimEventTimetable Capacity   numeric
DWH DimEventTimetable CostPerHead   numeric
DWH DimEventTimetable Rating   float
DWH DimEventTimetable VotesCount   int
DWH DimEventTimetable Duration   int
DWH DimEventTimetable UsersStandBy   int
DWH DimEventTimetable UserGroupLevel   nvarchar
DWH DimEventTimetable UserGroupLevel   sysname
DWH DimEventTimetable IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimEventTimetable MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimEventTimetable MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimEventTimetable MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimInvoice InvoiceKey   int
DWH DimInvoice InvoiceItemsettlementId   bigint
DWH DimInvoice InvoiceNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice InvoiceNumber   sysname
DWH DimInvoice UserId   bigint
DWH DimInvoice RefundPaymentMethod   varchar
DWH DimInvoice BankAccountNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice BankAccountNumber   sysname
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverName   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverName   sysname
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverStreet   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverStreet   sysname
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverCity   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverCity   sysname
DWH DimInvoice SellDate   datetime2
DWH DimInvoice InvoiceDate   datetime2
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverPostalCode   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverPostalCode   sysname
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverNip   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice ReceiverNip   sysname
DWH DimInvoice ItemNumber   int
DWH DimInvoice ValueNetto   numeric
DWH DimInvoice IsSent   bit
DWH DimInvoice SendingDate   datetime
DWH DimInvoice ItemName   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice ItemName   sysname
DWH DimInvoice ValueVat   numeric
DWH DimInvoice ValueBrutto   numeric
DWH DimInvoice InvoiceStatus   varchar
DWH DimInvoice RelatedInvoiceNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice RelatedInvoiceNumber   sysname
DWH DimInvoice DateOfFirstPayment   datetime
DWH DimInvoice ShippingType   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice ShippingType   sysname
DWH DimInvoice TotalPaidAmount   numeric
DWH DimInvoice SenderNip   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice SenderNip   sysname
DWH DimInvoice SenderRegon   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice SenderRegon   sysname
DWH DimInvoice SenderName   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice SenderName   sysname
DWH DimInvoice SenderStreet   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice SenderStreet   sysname
DWH DimInvoice SenderPostalCode   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice SenderPostalCode   sysname
DWH DimInvoice SenderCity   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice SenderCity   sysname
DWH DimInvoice SenderCountry   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice SenderCountry   sysname
DWH DimInvoice Discriminator   varchar
DWH DimInvoice CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH DimInvoice PackageID   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice PackageID   sysname
DWH DimInvoice PackageName   nvarchar
DWH DimInvoice PackageName   sysname
DWH DimInvoice IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimInvoice MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimInvoice MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimInvoice MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimLedger LedgerKey   int
DWH DimLedger LedgerId   bigint
DWH DimLedger Name   nvarchar
DWH DimLedger Name   sysname
DWH DimLedger Description   nvarchar
DWH DimLedger Description   sysname
DWH DimLedger DeleteDate   datetime2
DWH DimLedger MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimLedger MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimLedger MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimMemAddOn MemAddOnKey   int
DWH DimMemAddOn PaymentPlanKey   int
DWH DimMemAddOn MemAddOnId   bigint
DWH DimMemAddOn PaymentPlanId   bigint
DWH DimMemAddOn Description   nvarchar
DWH DimMemAddOn Description   sysname
DWH DimMemAddOn MetaRowGuId   uniqueidentifier
DWH DimMemAddOn MemAddOnName   nvarchar
DWH DimMemAddOn MemAddOnName   sysname
DWH DimMemAddOn MembershipAddOnStatus   bit
DWH DimMemAddOn MembershipName   nvarchar
DWH DimMemAddOn MembershipName   sysname
DWH DimMemAddOn ClubService   nvarchar
DWH DimMemAddOn ClubService   sysname
DWH DimMemAddOn StartDateFixed   bit
DWH DimMemAddOn EndDateFixed   bit
DWH DimMemAddOn ProductId   bigint
DWH DimMemAddOn Quantity   int
DWH DimMemAddOn MembershipType   nvarchar
DWH DimMemAddOn MembershipType   sysname
DWH DimMemAddOn MembershipTypeStatus   bit
DWH DimMemAddOn MembershipTypeId   bigint
DWH DimMemAddOn IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimMemAddOn MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimMemAddOn MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimMemAddOn MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimMembershipAddOn MembershipAddOnKey   int
DWH DimMembershipAddOn MembershipAddOnId   bigint
DWH DimMembershipAddOn Name   nvarchar
DWH DimMembershipAddOn Name   sysname
DWH DimMembershipAddOn Description   nvarchar
DWH DimMembershipAddOn Description   sysname
DWH DimMembershipAddOn ClubServiceType   nvarchar
DWH DimMembershipAddOn ClubServiceType   sysname
DWH DimMembershipAddOn CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH DimMembershipAddOn IsActive   bit
DWH DimMembershipAddOn IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimMembershipAddOn MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimMembershipAddOn MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimMembershipAddOn MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange MembershipStatusChangeKey   int
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange UserMembershipStatusChangeId   bigint
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange UserId   bigint
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange ChangeDate   datetime
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange NewStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange NewStatus   sysname
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange OldStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange OldStatus   sysname
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange NewOriginalStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange NewOriginalStatus   sysname
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange OldOriginalStatus   nvarchar
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange OldOriginalStatus   sysname
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange ContractId   bigint
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange IsCurrentContract   bit
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimMembershipStatusChange MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimMemStatusChange MemChangeKey   int
DWH DimMemStatusChange UserId   int
DWH DimMemStatusChange MonthDate   nvarchar
DWH DimMemStatusChange MonthDate   sysname
DWH DimMemStatusChange ChangeDate   datetime
DWH DimMemStatusChange Status   nvarchar
DWH DimMemStatusChange Status   sysname
DWH DimMemStatusChange MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimMemStatusChange MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimMemStatusChange MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentPlanKey   int
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentPlanId   bigint
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentPlanName   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentPlanName   sysname
DWH DimPaymentPlan MinContractName   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentPlan MinContractName   sysname
DWH DimPaymentPlan MinContractMonths   int
DWH DimPaymentPlan MinContractDays   int
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentScheduleMonths   int
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentScheduleDays   int
DWH DimPaymentPlan Deposit   float
DWH DimPaymentPlan IsFreezAllowed   bit
DWH DimPaymentPlan IsPrepaid   bit
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentPlanTypeName   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentPlanTypeName   sysname
DWH DimPaymentPlan IsAutomaticallyEnded   bit
DWH DimPaymentPlan MinCancelTimeDays   int
DWH DimPaymentPlan AutomaticRenew   bit
DWH DimPaymentPlan PPStartDate   datetime
DWH DimPaymentPlan PPEndDate   datetime
DWH DimPaymentPlan MinAge   int
DWH DimPaymentPlan MemFeeBrutto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan JoinFeeBrutto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan AdmFeeBrutto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan FrzFeeBrutto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentInterval   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentPlan PaymentInterval   sysname
DWH DimPaymentPlan ScheduledPaymentInterval   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentPlan ScheduledPaymentInterval   sysname
DWH DimPaymentPlan CurrentMembershipFee   numeric
DWH DimPaymentPlan TypeEnum   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentPlan TypeEnum   sysname
DWH DimPaymentPlan CreatedByEmp   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentPlan CreatedByEmp   sysname
DWH DimPaymentPlan CreatedDate   datetime
DWH DimPaymentPlan IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimPaymentPlan IsActive   bit
DWH DimPaymentPlan AdmFeeNetto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan AdmFeeVatRateId   bigint
DWH DimPaymentPlan AdmFeeVat   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan CurrentMembershipFeeNetto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan CurrentMembershipFeeVatRateId   bigint
DWH DimPaymentPlan CurrentMembershipFeeVat   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan JoinFeeNetto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan JoinFeeVatRateId   bigint
DWH DimPaymentPlan JoinFeeVat   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan FrzFeeNetto   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan FrzFeeVatRateId   bigint
DWH DimPaymentPlan FrzFeeVat   decimal
DWH DimPaymentPlan MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimPaymentPlan MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimPaymentPlan MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimPaymentType PaymentTypeKey   int
DWH DimPaymentType Description   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentType Description   sysname
DWH DimPaymentType TxPaymentType   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentType TxPaymentType   sysname
DWH DimPaymentType PaymentType   nvarchar
DWH DimPaymentType PaymentType   sysname
DWH DimPaymentType MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimPaymentType MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimPaymentType MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimProduct ProductKey   int
DWH DimProduct ProductId   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ProductId   sysname
DWH DimProduct VatRateKey   bigint
DWH DimProduct ProductDiscriminator   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ProductDiscriminator   sysname
DWH DimProduct ProductName   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ProductName   sysname
DWH DimProduct ProductDescription   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ProductDescription   sysname
DWH DimProduct Price   numeric
DWH DimProduct IsPriceFixed   bit
DWH DimProduct Cost   numeric
DWH DimProduct AccountingCode   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct AccountingCode   sysname
DWH DimProduct ClubServiceName   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ClubServiceName   sysname
DWH DimProduct ProductSubcategoryName   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ProductSubcategoryName   sysname
DWH DimProduct ProductCategoryName   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ProductCategoryName   sysname
DWH DimProduct ProductCategoryDescription   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct ProductCategoryDescription   sysname
DWH DimProduct CategoryTypeName   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct CategoryTypeName   sysname
DWH DimProduct IconClass   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct IconClass   sysname
DWH DimProduct VoucherName   nvarchar
DWH DimProduct VoucherName   sysname
DWH DimProduct VoucherSellType   varchar
DWH DimProduct PaymentAmount   numeric
DWH DimProduct OfferStartDate   datetime
DWH DimProduct OfferEndDate   datetime
DWH DimProduct MembershipTypeId   bigint
DWH DimProduct IsForAllClubs   bit
DWH DimProduct IsAvailableForExistingMembers   bit
DWH DimProduct IsAVailableForNewMembers   bit
DWH DimProduct IsAvailableForReactivatedMembers   bit
DWH DimProduct IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimProduct MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimProduct MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimProduct MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimProductTax ProductTaxKey This is PK of table bigint
DWH DimProductTax ProductKey PK to DimProduct int
DWH DimProductTax TaxId Technical column with taxid bigint
DWH DimProductTax TaxName Name of tax nvarchar
DWH DimProductTax TaxName Name of tax sysname
DWH DimProductTax IsDeleted If tax is deleted bit
DWH DimProductTax MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimProductTax MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimProductTax MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimReceipt ReceiptKey   int
DWH DimReceipt ReceiptId   bigint
DWH DimReceipt ReceivedTime   datetime
DWH DimReceipt CreatedTime   datetime
DWH DimReceipt SourceEndpoint   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt SourceEndpoint   sysname
DWH DimReceipt Number   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt Number   sysname
DWH DimReceipt EmployeeId   bigint
DWH DimReceipt Source   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt Source   sysname
DWH DimReceipt UserId   bigint
DWH DimReceipt ReceiptClubId   bigint
DWH DimReceipt TotalAmount   numeric
DWH DimReceipt PaymentType   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt PaymentType   sysname
DWH DimReceipt InvoiceId   bigint
DWH DimReceipt DocumentNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt DocumentNumber   sysname
DWH DimReceipt EndpointClubId   bigint
DWH DimReceipt Name   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt Name   sysname
DWH DimReceipt PosStationId   int
DWH DimReceipt DisplayName   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt DisplayName   sysname
DWH DimReceipt TransactionSource   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt TransactionSource   sysname
DWH DimReceipt DeletedReason   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt DeletedReason   sysname
DWH DimReceipt DeleteType   nvarchar
DWH DimReceipt DeleteType   sysname
DWH DimReceipt IsFiscal   bit
DWH DimReceipt IsRefund   bit
DWH DimReceipt IsManual   bit
DWH DimReceipt IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimReceipt MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimReceipt MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimReceipt MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimState StateKey Private Key of this table int
DWH DimState SateId   bigint
DWH DimState StateNativeName   nvarchar
DWH DimState StateNativeName   sysname
DWH DimState StateEnglishName   nvarchar
DWH DimState StateEnglishName   sysname
DWH DimState StateSymbol   nvarchar
DWH DimState StateSymbol   sysname
DWH DimState MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimState MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimState MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimTaxRate TaxRateKey This is PK of table bigint
DWH DimTaxRate TaxId TaxId bigint
DWH DimTaxRate DateFrom tax rate start date date
DWH DimTaxRate DateTo tax rate end date date
DWH DimTaxRate ValueType Value or percentage nvarchar
DWH DimTaxRate ValueType Value or percentage sysname
DWH DimTaxRate Value Value decimal
DWH DimTaxRate IsDeleted if it is deleted bit
DWH DimTaxRate InAllClubs if it is in all clubs bit
DWH DimTaxRate MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimTaxRate MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimTaxRate MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimTxDescription TxDescriptionKey   int
DWH DimTxDescription Receipt   nvarchar
DWH DimTxDescription Receipt   sysname
DWH DimTxDescription CreatedTime   datetime
DWH DimTxDescription UserPosTxId   bigint
DWH DimTxDescription PosStationId   bigint
DWH DimTxDescription PaymentNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimTxDescription PaymentNumber   sysname
DWH DimTxDescription InvoiceNumber   nvarchar
DWH DimTxDescription InvoiceNumber   sysname
DWH DimTxDescription isPaid   varchar
DWH DimTxDescription txSource   varchar
DWH DimTxDescription txSourceFilter   varchar
DWH DimTxDescription MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimTxDescription MetaRowGuid   uniqueidentifier
DWH DimTxDescription MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimTxDescription MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimUserClubTransfer UserClubTransferKey   int
DWH DimUserClubTransfer UserClubTransferId   bigint
DWH DimUserClubTransfer CustomerKey   int
DWH DimUserClubTransfer SourceClubKey   int
DWH DimUserClubTransfer TargetClubKey   int
DWH DimUserClubTransfer TransferDate   datetime2
DWH DimUserClubTransfer CreatedDate   datetime2
DWH DimUserClubTransfer MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimUserClubTransfer MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimUserClubTransfer MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimUserInteraction UInterKey   int
DWH DimUserInteraction UserInteractionId   bigint
DWH DimUserInteraction CustomerKey   int
DWH DimUserInteraction CreatedDate   datetime
DWH DimUserInteraction Type   nvarchar
DWH DimUserInteraction Type   sysname
DWH DimUserInteraction Status   varchar
DWH DimUserInteraction Title   nvarchar
DWH DimUserInteraction Title   sysname
DWH DimUserInteraction Text   nvarchar
DWH DimUserInteraction Text   sysname
DWH DimUserInteraction EmployeeName   nvarchar
DWH DimUserInteraction EmployeeName   sysname
DWH DimUserInteraction IsTask   bit
DWH DimUserInteraction IsAccessBlocked   bit
DWH DimUserInteraction PlannedDate   datetime
DWH DimUserInteraction IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimUserInteraction DeletedBy   nvarchar
DWH DimUserInteraction DeletedBy   sysname
DWH DimUserInteraction DeletedTime   datetime2
DWH DimUserInteraction MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimUserInteraction MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimUserInteraction MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimVatRate VatRateKey   bigint
DWH DimVatRate VatRateId   bigint
DWH DimVatRate VatName   nvarchar
DWH DimVatRate VatName   sysname
DWH DimVatRate Vat   numeric
DWH DimVatRate VatPosnet   nvarchar
DWH DimVatRate VatPosnet   sysname
DWH DimVatRate MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimVatRate MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimVatRate MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseDoc WarehouseDocKey   int
DWH DimWarehouseDoc WarehouseDocId   bigint
DWH DimWarehouseDoc WarehouseId   bigint
DWH DimWarehouseDoc Symbol   nvarchar
DWH DimWarehouseDoc Symbol   sysname
DWH DimWarehouseDoc CorrectedSymbol   nvarchar
DWH DimWarehouseDoc CorrectedSymbol   sysname
DWH DimWarehouseDoc ClubKey   int
DWH DimWarehouseDoc DocumentType   nvarchar
DWH DimWarehouseDoc DocumentType   sysname
DWH DimWarehouseDoc Income   numeric
DWH DimWarehouseDoc Outcome   numeric
DWH DimWarehouseDoc Company   nvarchar
DWH DimWarehouseDoc Company   sysname
DWH DimWarehouseDoc Date   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseDoc ApproveDate   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseDoc ValueNetto   numeric
DWH DimWarehouseDoc ValueVat   numeric
DWH DimWarehouseDoc ValueBrutto   numeric
DWH DimWarehouseDoc WarehouseDate   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseDoc WarehouseName   nvarchar
DWH DimWarehouseDoc WarehouseName   sysname
DWH DimWarehouseDoc IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimWarehouseDoc MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimWarehouseDoc MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseDoc MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseGoods WarehouseGoodsKey   int
DWH DimWarehouseGoods WarehouseGoodStateId   bigint
DWH DimWarehouseGoods ProductKey   int
DWH DimWarehouseGoods ClubKey   int
DWH DimWarehouseGoods Quantity   numeric
DWH DimWarehouseGoods LastUpdate   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseGoods WarehouseName   nvarchar
DWH DimWarehouseGoods WarehouseName   sysname
DWH DimWarehouseGoods IsDeleted   bit
DWH DimWarehouseGoods MetaJobId   bigint
DWH DimWarehouseGoods MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH DimWarehouseGoods MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactAccess ClubKey   int
DWH FactAccess DateKey   int
DWH FactAccess CustomerKey   int
DWH FactAccess EmployeeKey   int
DWH FactAccess AccessControlKey   int
DWH FactAccess CardSwipeDateKey   bigint
DWH FactAccess CardNumber   nvarchar
DWH FactAccess CardNumber   sysname
DWH FactAccess CardSwipeDate   datetime
DWH FactAccess CardSwipeDateHourMinute   datetime
DWH FactAccess IsSuccess   bit
DWH FactAccess CustomReason   int
DWH FactAccess CustomReason1DayPass   int
DWH FactAccess Coupon   int
DWH FactAccess CouponWithContract   int
DWH FactAccess SolariumNonMember   int
DWH FactAccess FriendAddOn   int
DWH FactAccess Forgotten   int
DWH FactAccess Inactive   int
DWH FactAccess Temporary   int
DWH FactAccess EmployeeCard   int
DWH FactAccess Supplier   int
DWH FactAccess Friend   int
DWH FactAccess Guest   int
DWH FactAccess GuestNC   int
DWH FactAccess GuestWithContract   int
DWH FactAccess Benefit   int
DWH FactAccess UserGuest   int
DWH FactAccess InvalidHours   int
DWH FactAccess NoActiveContract   int
DWH FactAccess FreezedContract   int
DWH FactAccess ClubNotAllowed   int
DWH FactAccess FinancalDebt   int
DWH FactAccess UserMale   nvarchar
DWH FactAccess UserMale   sysname
DWH FactAccess UserFemale   nvarchar
DWH FactAccess UserFemale   sysname
DWH FactAccess UserNumberOther   nvarchar
DWH FactAccess UserNumberOther   sysname
DWH FactAccess MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactAccess MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactAccess MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe AccessCardSwipeKey   bigint
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe CardNumber   nvarchar
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe CardNumber   sysname
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe SwipeTime   datetime
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe ConfirmTime   datetime
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe IsSuccess   bit
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe Message   nvarchar
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe Message   sysname
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe SwipeType   nvarchar
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe SwipeType   sysname
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe AdditionalInfo   nvarchar
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe AdditionalInfo   sysname
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe ClubZoneKey   int
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe ClubKey   int
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe CustomerKey   int
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe DeviceName   nvarchar
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe DeviceName   sysname
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe DeviceUniqueNumber   uniqueidentifier
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactAccessCardSwipe MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry BookEntryKey This is PK of table bigint
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry Amount Value decimal
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry Side Credit or Debit nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry Side Credit or Debit sysname
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry AccountingAccountKey FK to DimAccountingAccount int
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry AccountingDocumentKey FK to DimAccountingDocument bigint
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry Type Type: Tax, Net, Vat, Gross, Transaction nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry Type Type: Tax, Net, Vat, Gross, Transaction sysname
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry TaxId If type = Tax then here will be tax name bigint
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactAccountingBookEntry MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactAccountingDocument AccountingDocumentKey Private Key of this table bigint
DWH FactAccountingDocument TransactionId Id of Transaction bigint
DWH FactAccountingDocument AccountType Charge or Transaction nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingDocument AccountType Charge or Transaction sysname
DWH FactAccountingDocument CustomerKey FK to DimCustomer int
DWH FactAccountingDocument ClubKey FK to DimClub int
DWH FactAccountingDocument AccountingPeriodKey FK to DimAccountingPeriod int
DWH FactAccountingDocument IsBooked This is specific for one client bit
DWH FactAccountingDocument Nett Netto decimal
DWH FactAccountingDocument Vat Vat decimal
DWH FactAccountingDocument Gross Gross decimal
DWH FactAccountingDocument CustomerPosTransactionKey FK to FactCustomerPosTransaction bigint
DWH FactAccountingDocument CustomerTransactionKey FK to CustomerTransactionKey bigint
DWH FactAccountingDocument Date Date of Accounting Document datetime2
DWH FactAccountingDocument IsValid If true then there is no error in document bit
DWH FactAccountingDocument HasCorrection If document has correction bit
DWH FactAccountingDocument IsCorrection If this entry is correction bit
DWH FactAccountingDocument CorrectsAccountingDocumentKey FK to AccountingDocument to row witch this entry corrects bigint
DWH FactAccountingDocument ServiceCode Service Code nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingDocument ServiceCode Service Code sysname
DWH FactAccountingDocument MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingDocument MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactAccountingDocument MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AccountingTransactionKey   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AccountingPeriodKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions CustomerKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ClubKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions IsDeleted   bit
DWH FactAccountingTransactions TransactionType   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions TransactionType   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions DetailedTransactionType   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions DetailedTransactionType   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions Description   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions Description   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions CorrectsTransactionId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions UserTransactionId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions RefundedUserTransactionId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions UserPosTxId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions RelatedUserPosTxId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions DateKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions TransactionDate   datetime
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AmountGross   decimal
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AmountNet   decimal
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AmountVat   decimal
DWH FactAccountingTransactions VatRateKey   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions LedgerKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AccountNumber   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AccountNumber   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions AccountingAccountKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions PaymentMethod   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions PaymentMethod   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions PaymentSource   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions PaymentSource   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions IsManualTransaction   bit
DWH FactAccountingTransactions TransactionSource   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions TransactionSource   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ProviderName   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ProviderName   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ReceiptKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ContractKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions PaymentPlanKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ContractDiscountKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ContractDiscount   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ContractDiscount   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions UserTransactionType   nvarchar
DWH FactAccountingTransactions UserTransactionType   sysname
DWH FactAccountingTransactions PeriodStartDate   datetime
DWH FactAccountingTransactions PeriodEndDate   datetime
DWH FactAccountingTransactions Quantity   decimal
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ProductKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions EmployeeKey   int
DWH FactAccountingTransactions CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH FactAccountingTransactions ModifiedTime   datetime2
DWH FactAccountingTransactions MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactAccountingTransactions MetDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactAccountingTransactions MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactBookings BookingId   bigint
DWH FactBookings DateKey   int
DWH FactBookings ClubKey   int
DWH FactBookings ClubZoneKey   int
DWH FactBookings ProductKey   int
DWH FactBookings CustomerKey   int
DWH FactBookings EventKey   int
DWH FactBookings EmployeeKey   int
DWH FactBookings ContractKey   int
DWH FactBookings StartDateKey   bigint
DWH FactBookings IsPresent   smallint
DWH FactBookings IsNotPresent   smallint
DWH FactBookings Canceled   smallint
DWH FactBookings UsersLimit   int
DWH FactBookings UsersCount   int
DWH FactBookings Price   numeric
DWH FactBookings BookingSpeed   int
DWH FactBookings BookingSource   varchar
DWH FactBookings CancelSource   varchar
DWH FactBookings CreatedTime   datetime
DWH FactBookings EventStartDate   datetime
DWH FactBookings EventEndDate   datetime
DWH FactBookings SwipeDate   datetime2
DWH FactBookings CancelDate   datetime2
DWH FactBookings StartTime   time
DWH FactBookings StartDay   date
DWH FactBookings Votes   numeric
DWH FactBookings Votes_Sum   bigint
DWH FactBookings UsersPresent   bigint
DWH FactBookings Rating   bigint
DWH FactBookings CostPerHead   numeric
DWH FactBookings Capacity   float
DWH FactBookings UserGroupId   bigint
DWH FactBookings MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactBookings MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactBookings MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactBookingsPredictions ClubKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPredictions DateKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPredictions Prediction   int
DWH FactBookingsPredictions PredictionHistory   int
DWH FactBookingsPredictions MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactBookingsPredictions MetDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactBookingsPredictions MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactBookingsPT DateKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPT ClubKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPT ProductKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPT CustomerKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPT EmployeeKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPT DateTimeKey   bigint
DWH FactBookingsPT AddDateKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPT SalesDateKey   int
DWH FactBookingsPT TotalPtNumber   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT RemainingPtNumber   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT LastUsageDate   date
DWH FactBookingsPT Days   int
DWH FactBookingsPT PerDay   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT AvgPerWeek   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT AvgPerMonth   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT AllPtUsageTimeInDays   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT EstimatedEndDate   datetime
DWH FactBookingsPT PredictedRevenue   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT PredictedSalesDate   datetime
DWH FactBookingsPT DateMarkAsDone   datetime2
DWH FactBookingsPT Done   numeric
DWH FactBookingsPT StartDate   datetime
DWH FactBookingsPT MetaJobID   bigint
DWH FactBookingsPT MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactBookingsPT MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactBudget DateKey   int
DWH FactBudget ClubKey   int
DWH FactBudget BudgetKey   int
DWH FactBudget Budget   numeric
DWH FactBudget Target   numeric
DWH FactBudget MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactBudget MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactBudget MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactClassesRecommendations ClassRecommendationKey   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations ClubKey   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations WeekDay   nvarchar
DWH FactClassesRecommendations WeekDay   sysname
DWH FactClassesRecommendations Hour   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations ActualEventKey   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations AvgPresence   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations SdPresence   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations RecomEventKey   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations Prediction   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations PredictionSd   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations BestClub   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations BestPresence   int
DWH FactClassesRecommendations ActualEventName   nvarchar
DWH FactClassesRecommendations ActualEventName   sysname
DWH FactClassesRecommendations RecomEventName   nvarchar
DWH FactClassesRecommendations RecomEventName   sysname
DWH FactClassesRecommendations BestClubName   nvarchar
DWH FactClassesRecommendations BestClubName   sysname
DWH FactClassesRecommendations MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactClassesRecommendations MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactClassesRecommendations MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction CustomerPosTransactionKey Private Key of this table bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction CustomerKey   int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction Date Date when the transaction will have financial effect datetime
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction Description   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction Description   sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AmountNetto   decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AmountVatRateKey This can be join DWH.DimVatRate to have more information bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AmountVat AmountNetto*AmountVatRate decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AmountBrutto AmountNetto+AmountVat decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ClubKey   int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ReceiptNumber Fiscal receipt number nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ReceiptNumber Fiscal receipt number sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction PaymentType Type of payment : Bonus, Cash, Mixed, CreditCard nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction PaymentType Type of payment : Bonus, Cash, Mixed, CreditCard sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction IsDiscount Whether it was discounted bit
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ProductKey   int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction Quantity Number of products decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction CustomerTransactionKey If paid for contract bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DiscountKey   int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction CoreTransactionTxKey for payment transaction key to charge, for refunding tx key to refunded tx bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction IsManual Whether it was added on POSWEB by employee bit
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ReceiptKey   int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction IsDeleted Deletion flag bit
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DeletedTime date when it was deleted datetime
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DeletedReason description of the reason of deleting nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DeletedReason description of the reason of deleting sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ContractAddOnKey   int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction BonusAmountNetto   decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction BonusAmountVat   decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction BonusAmountVatRateKey   bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction BonusAmountBrutto   decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ContractStartPackageKey start package for contract int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction RegularPrice Single piece price gross decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction PercentageDiscount % of discount decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DeleteType Transaction delete type: Abort, Delete, Storno. Important for system reports. nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DeleteType Transaction delete type: Abort, Delete, Storno. Important for system reports. sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction BaseNumber   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction BaseNumber   sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction IsModified Whether is modified bit
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction IsFiscal Whether is fiscalized bit
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction EPaymentTxKey   int
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AmountToSettle Amount of charge which this transaction is settling decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction LineNumber   smallint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AccountingCode   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AccountingCode   sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AmountToRefund For charge/Purchase transaction is <=0, for payment tx >=0. The value means an amount that is available to refund.  means you can refund full amount decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DiscountReason Reason of discount nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction DiscountReason Reason of discount sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AccountingDescription   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AccountingDescription   sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction ProductGoodNetCost Warehouse price of product. numeric
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AdditionalData Additional information nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction AdditionalData Additional information sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactCustomerPosTransaction MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax CustomerPosTransactionTaxKey This is PK of table bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax CustomerPosTransactionKey Foreign key to table FactCustomerPosTransaction bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax Taxid   bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax TaxName Name of tax nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax TaxName Name of tax sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax TaxValueType Percentage or Value nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax TaxValueType Percentage or Value sysname
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax TaxValue % Value of Tax decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax TaxCalculatedValue Netto * % TaX Value decimal
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactCustomerPosTransactionTax MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CustomerTransactionKey   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CustomerKey   int
DWH FactCustomerTransaction Date   datetime
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AddDate   datetime2
DWH FactCustomerTransaction Saldo   decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransaction Description   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction Description   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AmountNetto   decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AmountVatRateId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AmountVat   decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AmountBrutto   decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CreatedBy   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CreatedBy   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsRolledBack   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CreatedByEmpId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction RelatedTxId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ContractKey   int
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ContractTxType   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ContractTxType   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsStarting   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PosTxId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsExcluded   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ExcludedTxId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AmountToSettle   decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ModifiedTime   datetime2
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsDeleted   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ContractAddOnId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction EPaymentTxId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DeletedTime   datetime
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DeletedByEmpId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DeletedReasonDictionaryKeyValueId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DeletedReason   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DeletedReason   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ContractMembershipFeePartId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction FiscalDescription   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction FiscalDescription   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ExternalTransactionId   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ExternalTransactionId   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsSystemCorrection   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CustomerTransactionTypeKey   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction JournalNumber   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction JournalNumber   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DocumentNumber   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DocumentNumber   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DueDate   datetime
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsPenaltySource   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsDeposit   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction BaseTransactionForPenaltyId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction ClubKey   int
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsModified   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction DaysCount   int
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsMonthPeriod   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction MembershipDefinitionFeeId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CreatedByContractFreezeId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PayerId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction BookingPenaltyId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction RefundedTxId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction Source   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction Source   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AccountingCode   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AccountingCode   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction AmountBeforeDiscountBrutto   decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PeriodStartDate   datetime2
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PeriodEndDate   datetime2
DWH FactCustomerTransaction IsCancelled   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PayerDiscriminator   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PayerDiscriminator   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction CompanyPaidTransactions   bit
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PaymentStatus   nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransaction PaymentStatus   sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransaction MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransaction MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactCustomerTransaction MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax CustomerTransactionTaxKey This is PK of table bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax CustomerTransactionKey   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax Taxid   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax TaxName Name of tax nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax TaxName Name of tax sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax TaxValueType Percentage or Value nvarchar
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax TaxValueType Percentage or Value sysname
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax TaxValue % Value of Tax decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax TaxCalculatedValue Netto * % TaX Value decimal
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactCustomerTransactionTax MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactFinance DateKey   int
DWH FactFinance CustomerKey   int
DWH FactFinance ContractKey   int
DWH FactFinance ProductKey   int
DWH FactFinance DebtDateKey   bigint
DWH FactFinance EpaymentKey   int
DWH FactFinance Amount   numeric
DWH FactFinance PaidDebtAmount   numeric
DWH FactFinance DebtDate   datetime
DWH FactFinance FiscalPaidDebtAmount   numeric
DWH FactFinance NotFiscalPaidDebtAmount   numeric
DWH FactFinance Manual   numeric
DWH FactFinance Pos   numeric
DWH FactFinance VposOnline   numeric
DWH FactFinance eCardOnline   numeric
DWH FactFinance PosTxId   bigint
DWH FactFinance IsDeleted   bit
DWH FactFinance MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactFinance MetDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactFinance MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactMemberProducts ID   bigint
DWH FactMemberProducts IsDeleted   bit
DWH FactMemberProducts ProductKey   int
DWH FactMemberProducts CustomerKey   int
DWH FactMemberProducts InitialQuantity   decimal
DWH FactMemberProducts CurrentQuantity   decimal
DWH FactMemberProducts ExpiryDate   datetime
DWH FactMemberProducts PurchaseDate   datetime
DWH FactMemberProducts ClubKey   int
DWH FactMemberProducts MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactMemberProducts MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactMemberProducts MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions OutstandingTransactionKey   bigint
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions AccountingPeriodKey   int
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions IsDeleted   bit
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions UserTransactionId   bigint
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions OutstandingAmount   decimal
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions CreatedTime   datetime2
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions ModifiedTime   datetime2
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactOutstandingTransactions MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactSales TxKey   nvarchar
DWH FactSales TxKey   sysname
DWH FactSales DateKey   int
DWH FactSales CustomerKey   int
DWH FactSales ProductKey   int
DWH FactSales ClubKey   int
DWH FactSales DiscountKey   int
DWH FactSales ReceiptKey   int
DWH FactSales InvoiceKey   int
DWH FactSales EmployeeKey   int
DWH FactSales PaymentTypeKey   int
DWH FactSales ContractKey   int
DWH FactSales Quantity   numeric
DWH FactSales Netto   numeric
DWH FactSales VAT   numeric
DWH FactSales Brutto   numeric
DWH FactSales Cash   numeric
DWH FactSales CreditCard   numeric
DWH FactSales DeliveryAmount   numeric
DWH FactSales Profit   numeric
DWH FactSales Margin   numeric
DWH FactSales PriceNetto   numeric
DWH FactSales PriceVAT   numeric
DWH FactSales PriceBrutto   numeric
DWH FactSales UnitCost   numeric
DWH FactSales BruttoWODiscount   numeric
DWH FactSales Discount   numeric
DWH FactSales BruttoWithDiscount   numeric
DWH FactSales Bought   int
DWH FactSales Paid   int
DWH FactSales PP   numeric
DWH FactSales PDV   numeric
DWH FactSales IsFiscal   int
DWH FactSales IsDeleted   int
DWH FactSales MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactSales MetDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactSales MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactSalesCashless DateKey   int
DWH FactSalesCashless CustomerKey   int
DWH FactSalesCashless ProductKey   int
DWH FactSalesCashless ClubKey   int
DWH FactSalesCashless ReceiptKey   int
DWH FactSalesCashless PaymentTypeKey   int
DWH FactSalesCashless Quantity   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless Netto   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless VAT   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless Brutto   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless BruttoPrepaid   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless DeliveryAmount   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless PaidAmount   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless Profit   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless Margin   numeric
DWH FactSalesCashless MetaJobID   bigint
DWH FactSalesCashless MetDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactSalesCashless MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactSalesPredictions ClubKey   int
DWH FactSalesPredictions DateKey   int
DWH FactSalesPredictions Prediction   int
DWH FactSalesPredictions PredictionHistory   int
DWH FactSalesPredictions PredictionPBI   int
DWH FactSalesPredictions MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactSalesPredictions MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactSalesPredictions MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions Id   bigint
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions CustomerKey   int
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions ProductKey   int
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions AmountLeftToPay   decimal
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions Date   datetime
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions IsDeleted   bit
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactTransactionsCashlessDebitPosTransactions MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactVisits ClubKey   int
DWH FactVisits DateKey   int
DWH FactVisits CustomerKey   int
DWH FactVisits ContractKey   int
DWH FactVisits AccessControlKey   int
DWH FactVisits EntranceAsADebtor   bit
DWH FactVisits EnterDate   datetime
DWH FactVisits LeaveDate   datetime
DWH FactVisits LengthOfStay   int
DWH FactVisits CardSwipeDate   datetime
DWH FactVisits CardSwipeDateHourMinute   datetime
DWH FactVisits IsFingerprint   numeric
DWH FactVisits Visits   int
DWH FactVisits HighRiskInteractions   int
DWH FactVisits HighRiskInteractionsNoContract   int
DWH FactVisits HighRiskInteractionByTrainer   int
DWH FactVisits HighRiskInteractionByTrainerNoContract   int
DWH FactVisits HighRiskInteractionByCustomerService   int
DWH FactVisits HighRiskInteractionByCustomerServiceNoContract   int
DWH FactVisits TotalHighRiskVisits   int
DWH FactVisits TotalHighRiskVisitsNoContract   int
DWH FactVisits PostTotalHighRiskVisits   int
DWH FactVisits PostTotalHighRiskVisitsNoContract   int
DWH FactVisits PostTotalHighRiskVisitsT   int
DWH FactVisits PostTotalHighRiskVisitsTNoContract   int
DWH FactVisits PostTotalHighRiskVisitsCS   int
DWH FactVisits PostTotalHighRiskVisitsCSNoContract   int
DWH FactVisits RetentionIndex   float
DWH FactVisits PreviousRetentionIndex   float
DWH FactVisits MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactVisits MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactVisits MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactVisitsPredictions ClubKey   int
DWH FactVisitsPredictions DateKey   int
DWH FactVisitsPredictions Prediction   int
DWH FactVisitsPredictions PredictionHistory   int
DWH FactVisitsPredictions MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactVisitsPredictions MetDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactVisitsPredictions MetaDateUpdated   datetime
DWH FactWarehouse ClubKey   int
DWH FactWarehouse DateKey   int
DWH FactWarehouse ProductKey   int
DWH FactWarehouse VatRateKey   bigint
DWH FactWarehouse WarehouseGoodsKey   int
DWH FactWarehouse WarehouseDocKey   int
DWH FactWarehouse DeliveryChangeDate   datetime
DWH FactWarehouse QuantityPlus   numeric
DWH FactWarehouse ValuePlus   numeric
DWH FactWarehouse QuantityMinus   numeric
DWH FactWarehouse ValueMinus   numeric
DWH FactWarehouse MetaJobId   bigint
DWH FactWarehouse MetaDateInserted   datetime
DWH FactWarehouse MetaDateUpdated   datetime


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